Chulita BlueCollarScholar - Amor

This mix was inspired by Amor because my faith in love is still devout. Someone recently shared with me that the way to combat fear is through love and joy. With everything happening, we should continue to live with joy and love as it is a revolutionary act.
— Chulita BlueCollarScholar

Today, we feature a mix from one of our very own Chulitxs - the tunes come directly from their vinyl collection. This mix comes from Chulita BlueCollarScholar of CVC Santa Ana.

Jackie (She/Her/Ella) aka BlueCollarScholar is an introvert who’s favorite form of grounding is listening to music. She has lived in Santa Ana all her life, a vibrant city who continues to thrive despite the gentrification it faces. She’s on her pursuit of happiness. Interests include crystals, music, plants and chisme.

Check out CVC’s mixes: