FELIZ Año Nuevo! Welcome 2017!

2016 was a year of meeting, discussing and working with xingonas. Thank you for sharing an amazing year with us. We hope we've made you dance a little.

Girls, it ain’t easy.
To the broken-hearted mijas, it feels great when you can finally love yourself again as much as you loved another. Retrieve it. The past can haunt you if you let it. To Chulitas veteranas and new I hope that this platform has fulfilled what you expected of CVC and more. Women togetherness and support of one another is important.

To you all that support us and show us love - we're forever grateful.

It’s definitely hard out there for a mija but find your voice and make it heard. Stay humble, echale ganas y NO TE DEJES.

From myself and from all Chulitas Happy New Year see you soon 2017

- founder of CVC, Claudia DJ Tear Drop 💧

Alieníjas + Chulita Vinyl Club

2016 Chulita interview on the Alieníjas podcast

"Entrevistamos a Claudia y Maribel, dos integrantes de Chulita Vinyl Club, una red de coleccionistas femeninas de vinilos en los estados de Tejas y California. Platicamos acerca de la continuación del legado familiar de las rancheras a través de los vinilos, sus esfuerzos por fomentar escenas gestionadas por mujeres y del amor y el elitismo endémicos al coleccionismo."

Temas dentro de la entrevista, en orden:
1. Flaco Jiménez- El pantalón blue jean
2. Quitapenas- Valle Moreno
3. Rosie and the Originals- Angel Mío
4. Little Joe y La Familia- Prieta linda
5. Juaneco y Su Combo- Linda nena